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Últimas notícias

BeActive... BeOutdoors... BeSustainable

It is recognised that as individuals and as a society, we have an impact on the natural environment. Our day-to-day activities in and around our sporting practices can contribute to greenhouse emissions. Decisions we make on how we travel, what we eat, the equipment we use all has an accumulative effect on the environment. Therefore, we must seek to reduce and if possible, eliminate these. Where it is not possible to do this, we must look at ways to mitigate these as effectively as possible. Ler mais

What are the perceived impacts of Outdoor Sports in Protected Areas?

The SEE project partners created a survey to collect information from Protected Areas across Europe to learn about the various impacts of outdoor sports in nature and to identify innovative practices to effectively manage them. The outcomes of the data analysis will contribute to the preparation of a toolkit for outdoor sports trainers and educators in order to effectively educate practitioners into more sustainable, respectful and enjoyable experiences of being active in nature. Ler mais


In order to move forward with the construction of the toolkit, the members of the CESN invited a number of national experts to speak about the environment and outdoor issues. Ler mais

Project partners to reunite in Vallon Pont d'Arc

After some months since the last exchange in Portugal- due to the cancellation of the Sweden exchange- the SEE Project partners are pleased to finally come together in person again at CREPS training centre in Vallon-Pont-d’Arc. Ler mais

Sweden exchange program postponed

Unfortunately due to the current Corona virus measurements and surge of new cases, the project consortium has decided to postpone the 3rd exchange meeting until further notice. Ler mais

Nordic Outdoor Adventure Announcement 3rd Exchange Meeting

We are pleased to share with you the dates and information about the third partner exchange meeting to be held in Sweden between 14th-18th of February 2022. Ler mais